Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Best Shoes for High Arches, Plantar Facitis, Painful Feet

The problem: You have diagnosed Plantar Facitis, high arches, or lingering pain in your ankles, knees, and lower back. I had to figure out my foibles alone and will give you the Cliff's Notes for a pain free life.

 This is difficult to solve for Americans since the big manufacturers are 95% focused on window dressing minimally supported footwear.

1. Shoes are all different. The most important component is the "last". This is the shape of the footbed in three dimensions. They can be pointy, squared, rounded at toe. Footbeds vary in width and height at key points.
1.A. The best features and buzzwords to look for are:
  • Deep Heel (settles the base of the your foot for stability)
  • Firm Arch (a floppy or flat arch is destabilizing and causes joint tenderness)
  • Orthotic (this isn't a bad word!)
  • Support (and some Neutral) lasts
1.B. Avoid the following
  • Flat "Pillow insoles"
  • Dr. Scholls (Gel and the multicolored "zones" are hype)
  • Motion Control
2. The easiest solution to adjust existing (or desired footwear) is the SOLE Brand inserts (NOT Sof Sole or Superfeet as they are inferior, based on experience). This will fix around 90% of your problems.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Best Guitar Reverb Pedals and Units

The greatest REVERB pedals and units on the market * ^ # %

* As experienced and researched by tone heads
^ That cover dry to drippy sounds
# Make winos woozy and are technically complex (quality design = quality outputs)
% And are available

Let's Get Started!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Best Tremolo Pedals

Tremolo is typically classified as

  • Harmonic (Brownface Tones - early 60's)
  • Bias (Blackface Tones - late 60's, 70's)
  • Optical (Modern Sound)

Let me save you many hours - get with one of the following (you can't miss...really)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Guitar Pedal Manufacturers With Discounts / Codes / Coupons

Pedals are a pricey, fun, and maddening experience. Save some cash by buying direct from the folks that discount - blemishs (blems), sales, and so on.

Let's Get Started!

Copies / Copies - Decoding the Mooer Guitar Pedal Line

Let's Decode the Mooer plethora of pedals

Buy Mooer at Amazon or Cheaperpedals

ABY (Micro) Channel Switch = EHX Switchblade

ABY MK2 Channel Switch = Morley ABY Selector

Acoustikar Acoustic Guitar Simulator = Boss AC-2/3

Ana Echo Delay = Boss DM-2 (and Waza)