Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Youtube is the New Audible and College Forum

Sorry local university. I don't need to

1. Drive to campus
2. Nod approvingly at the ushers
3. Find a seat
4. Wait
5. Listen to a hammy introduction
6. Wait for the speaker
7. Listen to college students yammer in half whispers
8. Stay for inane questions

Youtube talks to us. Deep stuff, light stuff, how to make metaphorical and actual sausage.

I turn on an interview or lesson and work around the house with my Sennheiser Wireless RS-170 headphones. Such bliss. No installed speaker audio to fade in and out.

You should try the following:

CinemaSins Jeremy - From the team that vivisects movies' factual and production errors comes...Jeremy. "Conversations with Myself" are well produced short essays in a stream-of-consciousness narrative. The visuals are pared down so that we are alone with Jeremy in his head. Poetic.

GoodBadFlicks - Another happy nerd's 10-20 minute long reviews and discussions of critically panned movies. Cecil is very forgiving of tepid filmmaking and turns his focus towards the creative, over-the-top, and daring aspects of film. None of the subjects are at fault for being boring; his merit is helping us discover the not-so-dark-side of entertaining duds.

More after the jump

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Market Analysis - Fit Frappe Protein Drink Mix

Let's talk about Big Train Fit Frappe Protein Drink Mix, particularly the Mocha.

This is a curious product that promises

  • nutrition
  • workout energy
  • a breakfast coffee substitute 
...but doesn't deliver on any of those points.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Boom Boom - The Best Guitar Cabinet Manufacturers

Nameless Wood + Stock Speaker = Mediocre Cabinet.

Getting a great cabinet at a terrific price is a bit more involved.

This article lists the sweet spot of value builders on the internet.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Best Klon Copies and Descendants

What makes a Klon a Klon?

1. Low-to-Medium Overdrive*
        *This made the Klon different, as the 80s-90s trend was big-loud-heavy overdrive
2. Transparent lower end with a "sweet spot" on breakup
3. (Magical) germanium diodes
4. Mythical figure box art (sigh)

Not willing to spend over 2.5k on a used Klon? There are hundreds of variants, and most range within 95% to 99.9999999% as good as a Klon. That 000000001% is perception anyhow.

Try the following (very very good) variants.