Guitar pedals cost a pretty penny. Sites like seek to remedy this by stocked Chinese knockoffs (and semi original ideas). We'll sketch out the recommended copies and the original undefeated champions.
Joyo JF-01 Vintage Overdrive trumps Ibanez TS808 Overdrive
$130 savings
Joyo JF-02 Ultimate Overdrive trumps Fulltone OCD Drive
$100 savings
Joyo JF-06 Vintage Phaser trumps MXR Phase 90 Effects
$30 savings and a better product
Joyo JF-34 US Dream Distortion trumps Suhr Riot Distortion
$90 savings
Joyo JF-36 Sweet Baby trumps Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive
$120 savings
$160 more but the "chop" and build quality is much better
Any Octave Fuzz trumps Joyo JF-12 Fuzz Ultimate Octave
$60-100 more, but the Joyo is a stinker in sound and build quality
Way Huge Aqua Puss / MXR M169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay (and ilk) trumps Joyo JF-33 Analog Delay
$60-100 more (build quality issues)
MXR Custom Compressor trumps Joyo Audio Dynamic Compressor
$70 more. Compressor fanatics are sound sensitive to high and low end loss. Joyo just can't compete.
$60-100 more (build quality issues)
MXR Custom Compressor trumps Joyo Audio Dynamic Compressor
$70 more. Compressor fanatics are sound sensitive to high and low end loss. Joyo just can't compete.
Joyo JF-04 High Gain Distortion and Boss MT-2 Metal Zone Distortion
Widely revered as the worst Boss pedal
Joyo JF-08 Digital Delay Early device with a poor showing. Go analog delay.
Joyo Audio Analog Chorus A weak take on a stock sound.
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